Gaënö’ is a one hour, weekly show produced for Native Voice One: The Native American Radio Network, that focuses on the various genres of contemporary music created by talented artists from the numerous Indigenous Nations of Turtle Island. Gaënö’ seeks to not only entertain audiences with great music but to also educate listeners who may not be familiar with, or are new to the modern Native American music scene. Nearly every episode is accompanied by a 15-20 minute interview with a featured artist, where you get to know the person behind the music.
Producer and host, Brett Maybee (Seneca), grew up on and is raising a family on the Seneca Nations Allegany Territory in western New York. In addition to being a singer/songwriter, Brett also developed a deep love and passion for broadcasting after reluctantly accepting a job with the Seneca Nations radio station, Classic Hits 105.9 WGWE fm in 2015. Since 2016, you might also recognize him (or rather, his voice) as the VOG for the Native American Music Awards. Last, and perhaps most importantly, being committed to learning the language and traditions of the Onondowa’ga’ (Seneca) and Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), he brings his love of family, culture and music together in a unique and engaging way.